An Anniversary That I Wish I Could Forget

The names Newtown, Tuscon, and Blacksburg will bring to the minds of most Americans the mass shooting tragedies committed in those cities during the past several years. A lesser-known such event occurred in Palm Bay, Florida twenty-seven years ago today. That evening a man named William Cruse drove to the shopping center less than a […]

Another Thought on Aereo: Chief Justice Roberts Tips His Hand on Judicial Activism.

It looks like Chief Justice Roberts is again considering moving beyond “calling balls and strikes” as he famously stated was his job during his confirmation hearings. In yesterday’s argument, the Chief  said during an exchange with Aereo’s counsel, Malcolm Stewart, “All I’m trying to get at, and I’m not saying i’ts outcome determinative or necessarily bad, […]

My Thoughts on the Argument in A.B.C. v. Aereo

I’ve just concluded reading the transcript from today’s arguments in American Broadcasting Companies v. Aereo, Inc., No. 13-461. I’ve not previously commented in detail on court cases here, so I ask any readers to forgive my obvious mistakes, and to politely offer to correct them with a judicious comment. My first impression is that Justice […]