Fooled me once…

Today likely presidential candidate Jeb Bush tried to shift attention from his flubbing the “what would you have done” question about invading Iraq by blaming President Obama for the presence of and gains made by ISIS/ISIL in Iraq. Bush not only conveniently ignores that it was the 2003 invasion and its aftermath that totally destabilized Iraq, but […]

All Praise Religious Bigotry!

“All” is, of course, an intentional use of hyperbole. But in the case of Indiana’s enactment of SB 101, its version of a “Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” a large majority of state assembly members voted to pass the act. Governor Mike Pence, though saying in several public appearances in the past few days that signing […]

Turn the Page

Six months are too long to let a blog lie fallow. The options here are plain: start writing with some frequency, or give it up. I’m going to make an earnest try at the first one. Tonight Lorne Michaels and NBC celebrate the 40th anniversary of Saturday Night Live. Much has already been written in the […]

An Anniversary That I Wish I Could Forget

The names Newtown, Tuscon, and Blacksburg will bring to the minds of most Americans the mass shooting tragedies committed in those cities during the past several years. A lesser-known such event occurred in Palm Bay, Florida twenty-seven years ago today. That evening a man named William Cruse drove to the shopping center less than a […]