Open Letter to the President

Mr. President: Please do not blink now. The Congressional Republicans are playing a potentially cataclysmic game of chicken. They can taste the victory of imposing fundamental, ideological change on what this country stands for, in the guise of concern for a deficit, one they built in the past 12 years. Please do not give into […]

Ring out the decade

Bye-bye to the first decade of the 21st century. Surprisingly, I don’t have much to say about the passing of 2010. The year had a few highlights, but many more low points, in public life. You can read about them at any news site of your choice. I have some hope for a better 2011, […]

Dr. Laura leaves the kitchen.

The flare-up over Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s gratuitous use of the N-word during a call on her radio show last week provided a brief distraction from the overboard media coverage and political controversy over the proposed Islamic center in south Manhattan.  By now the circumstances of the call that led to her use of the word […]