I’m choosing to write about something that thrills me to my bones rather than the horrible things happening around us. First, here’s a picture of my son, Micah, looking at his nephew, my grandson, Michael Cross. Micah looks quite content to stare at his nephew, while Michael looks asleep, as many one-month-old children would at many hours of the day. Micah and Michael share a unique relationship with Michael’s mom: obviously Kimberly was in the room when she

delivered her son, but she was also in the room when Micah’s mom delivered Kimberly’s baby brother! So both of these young men were welcomed to the world by a very special young woman! Kimberly and Micah’s sister Mary Elisabeth was a bit too young to be in the delivery room when Micah arrived, but she was nearby with Kimberly through her labor and she is a very special young woman as well.
Michael is a very busy young man, with grandparents and other family wanting to see him as much as possible. I’m excited to say that last night Lisa, my wife, told me that when I get to North Carolina next week for Thanksgiving, I have a few hours reserved on Michael’s schedule Thanksgiving Friday! That will be the best appointment I’ve had in a very long time. 🙂